
Date, Time & Location

Sept. 23rd, 2020. 10.00-11.00. Virtual Meeting (webex). 


University of Luebeck

Technische Universität Darmstadt

Advisory Board


  1. Short Project Progress Updates from Philipp Beckerle and Elmar Rueckert
  2. People introduce themselves in 1-2 minutes to Luke Miller
  3. Schedule next meeting after the summer vacation period
  4. Nils Rottmann presents the Glove student project (End of Oct 2020. first draft of the glove concept)
  5. Robot Arm / Manipulator proposals & desired features (ROS, compliant, 6-7DoF, >200g payload)
  6. TRAIN Webpage & access for all members
  7. Ege discusses the review paper progress (deadline 31st of October)
  8. One year roadmap (will be prepared by Philipp and Elmar and discussed in the next meeting on Nov. 9th)

Details on the Meeting Notes

TOP 3: Next Meetings

TOP 5: Robot Arm / Manipulator

28th of July discussion with Comau on their robot arm E.Do. The arm features ROS, torque control (via voltage control), interface via a raspberry PI. Estimated price is 6500EURO. This package includes a stand and a gripper. 

Roadmap: 4 Franka EMIKA Robot arms should be available at both labs soon. We keep on investigating alternative hardware platforms but will start with the FRANKAs. Nils and Honghu will upload a GIT repo link to the TRAIN webpage and will also add short wiki pages on how to use the code.  

TOP 6: Webpage

All team members received an email invitation to join the wordpress page. Elmar Rueckert will coordinate the project presentation and documentation. This includes a discussion board and meeting minutes. 

TOP 7: Review paper update

Ege is almost done with the related work. By end of Sept. a first draft will be circulated within the team. 

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