Date, Time & Location
Sept. 23rd, 2020. 10.00-11.00. Virtual Meeting (webex).
University of Luebeck
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Advisory Board
- Prof. Dr. Elmar Rueckert
- Nils Rottmann, M.Sc.
- Honghu Xue, M.Sc.
- Prof. Dr. Philipp Beckerle
- Ege Cansev, M.Sc.
- Prof. Dr. Luke Miller
- Short Project Progress Updates from Philipp Beckerle and Elmar Rueckert
- People introduce themselves in 1-2 minutes to Luke Miller
- Schedule next meeting after the summer vacation period
- Nils Rottmann presents the Glove student project (End of Oct 2020. first draft of the glove concept)
- Robot Arm / Manipulator proposals & desired features (ROS, compliant, 6-7DoF, >200g payload)
- TRAIN Webpage & access for all members
- Ege discusses the review paper progress (deadline 31st of October)
- One year roadmap (will be prepared by Philipp and Elmar and discussed in the next meeting on Nov. 9th)
Details on the Meeting Notes
TOP 3: Next Meetings
TOP 5: Robot Arm / Manipulator
28th of July discussion with Comau on their robot arm E.Do. The arm features ROS, torque control (via voltage control), interface via a raspberry PI. Estimated price is 6500EURO. This package includes a stand and a gripper.
Roadmap: 4 Franka EMIKA Robot arms should be available at both labs soon. We keep on investigating alternative hardware platforms but will start with the FRANKAs. Nils and Honghu will upload a GIT repo link to the TRAIN webpage and will also add short wiki pages on how to use the code.
TOP 6: Webpage
All team members received an email invitation to join the wordpress page. Elmar Rueckert will coordinate the project presentation and documentation. This includes a discussion board and meeting minutes.
TOP 7: Review paper update
Ege is almost done with the related work. By end of Sept. a first draft will be circulated within the team.