Meeting January 16th, 2023

Date, Time & Location

January 16th, 2023. 12.00-13.30. Virtual Meeting (Webex).


University of Luebeck


Advisory Board


  1. Introduction of Fotios Lygerakis to the team
  2. Update on the Leoben Team progress
  3. Update on the Erlangen Team progress
  4. Next meeting

Details on the Meeting Notes

TOP 1: Update on the Leoben Team progress by Elmar

Niko finished the ROS-2 interface for the RH8 robot hand. Now Niko works on online RL through Bayesian Optimization with the use of ROS-2 based web-interfaces for tablets. Niko and Ege will stay in close contact as shared control is highly related to Niko’s work. 

Fotis is working a visual representation learning paper that combines VAE with contrastive learning. The paper will be submitted in January 2023. In a student project, Fotis is investigating an AR interface based on a Hololens2 for human-robot-interaction scenarios. The glasses will be used to visualize trajectories, rewards, etc., and to provide inputs to the robotic system.

Vedant is working on active exploration.  

TOP 2: Update on the Erlangen Team progress by Philipp

User experience ATARI task will be evaluated in the next weeks. Adna provided slides on that. 
New Sensor Glove design is finished.  

Details 1: Adna prepared an online survey to evaluate the user experience of shown videos of agents playing the ATARI game. The Leoben team will do a trial run. Their feedback will be discussed in the monthly Ph.D. online meeting. 

Details 2: Ege is working on the wire maze and stacking task. Ege gets support from students doing a master’s project. 

Framework: Philipp sugested to extend the framework overview scheme contuniously. At least an outlook of open questions and directions of future reseach can be presented in a final report. 


TOP 3: Next meeting February 15th 2023 11.00-12.30

Next meeting is scheduled for the date above using Zoom



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