Meeting Sept 10th, 2024

Date, Time & Location

July 18th, 2024. 10.00-11.00. Virtual Meeting (Zoom).


University of Luebeck


Advisory Board


  1. Update on the Leoben Team progress
  2. Update on the Erlangen Team progress
  3. Next meeting
  4. New DFG Contact Person

Details on the Meeting Notes

TOP 1: Update on the Leoben Team progress by Elmar

Interviews for new postdoc position are nearly finished. First Leap Hand was build this week and additional sensors are ordered in the next days. CPS chair will move to the new building.

Niko is working on when to ask human experts to improve learning rate of interactive robot learning algorithm.

Vedant and Fotis visited Roberto Callandras summer school at TU Dresden. Topic: tacticle robot learning.

Vedant submitted a paper to AAAI (not in this project) on unsupervised skill discovery and is now working on visual tactile representation with multiple different sensors.

Fotis has an article Computer Science Weekly and got the best student paper award. Fotis’ work is currently not related to TRAIN project but in later stages there would be an overlap with a possible follow up project.

TOP 2: Update on the Erlangen Team progress by Philipp

Adna’s paper is not fully suitable for the journal she submitted the paper to and is now resubmitting it to a different journal.
Maze experiment is working on simulation and on the robot. Adna used images to extract the shape of the maze. In addition the wire maze is explored with haptic feedback – 5 trajectories where recorded using human demonstrations to learn the shape of the maze. During the demonstrations the loop was touching the wire in the top/left/bottom/right side of the loop. Next step is to collect human data solving the wire maze. Changed the plan for the human experiment to use a handle instead of the glove.

First Robot experiment with human demonstration will take around 90 min per person including demonstration and training. Experiments will start in ~ October. Second robot experiment (using PlayStation controller), explores online adaptation. Instead of having a fixed percentage of autonomy Ege wants to give a +/- 10% range around offline adaptation points to get better data to learn a regression model – data is to volatile for regression models. Final decisions on the experiment design in the next 2 weeks. 2nd Experiment will take 60-90 min and start around 2 weeks after Adna’s experiments.

TOP 3: Organizational Topics

Last papers need to be added to the train website
Final report: ~10 pages
1 step: What did we want to do?
2 step: What did we actually do?
3 step: Did we do something important for industries?

Use Google Docs for collaboration → Ege will upload the Template and share it with all

DFG needs the final report end of March 2025
– Ege leaves end October – will write his parts until then
– Adna leaves end January
– Final report draft should be finished by end of year

TOP 4: Next meeting: September 10th 2024 10.00-11.00

Elmar will send out some dates for the next meeting since CPS will move to a new building. Philipp suggests beginning or mid of October.

Next meeting is scheduled for the date above using Zoom:

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