Meeting Oct 21st, 2024

Date, Time & Location

Oct 21st, 2024. 10.00-11.00. Virtual Meeting (Zoom).


University of Luebeck


Advisory Board


  1. Final Report Roadmap
  2. Update on the Leoben Team progress
  3. Update on the Erlangen Team progress
  4. Next meeting
  5. New DFG Contact Person

Details on the Meeting Notes

TOP 1: Final Report Roadmap

Goal: First complete draft done by the end of Nov. 2024.

Contributions MUL: 

  • Publications List
  • PhD Table 
  • Summary (total summary max 3000 char or 2500 chars english version)
  • List of Meetings

Contributions FAU:

  • PhD Table 
  • Summary (total summary max 3000 char or 2500 chars english version)

TOP 2: Update on the Leoben Team progress by Elmar

Dr. Christian Rauch will start with Feb. 2025 as senior researcher in robot manipulation and perception. His work will benefit from the human robot interaction developments of the train project.

Niko will submit one more paper on interactive reinforcement learning based on prior train results. Fotis will submit one more train related paper on tactile robot learning.  

TOP 3: Update on the Erlangen Team progress by Philipp

Adna: Small changes to the hardware setting. Experiment with 10-12 people should start in Oct., beginning of Nov. The experiment will take one week.

Ege: Turst estimation heavily depends on the tasks. Wire maze setting is used. Robot side: debugging safety aspects (interaction). Master student will submit his thesis 4th of Nov. His work on the machine learning methods will be part of Ege’s research paper. 


TOP 3: Next meeting Nov. 26th 2024 09:00-11:00

Till next meeting, MUL and FAU will have been working on the draft.

Next meeting is scheduled for the date above using Zoom:

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